Meet the 2024 B2W Customer Innovation Award Winners

Meet the 2024 B2W Customer Innovation Award Winners

Better decisions, seamless communication between processes, considerable time savings and motivated project teams were just a few of the benefits cited by three North American contractors in the winning applications for the 2024 B2W Customer Innovation Awards. B2W stages the awards program annually to highlight ROI results with individual B2W applications and with the unified B2W platform for estimating and operations.


Bituminous Roadways – ROI with the B2W Platform

Based in Minnesota, this asphalt paving and heavy construction company started out with B2W Estimate and Track before bringing B2W Schedule, Inform and Maintain online. “One key strength of B2W is the ability to foster seamless communication between different processes within the business and across various departments,” says Nate Larson, construction technologist at Bituminous. IS technology manager Kim Scales estimates the platform has resulted in a 150-percent increase in employee production hours and a 117-percent increase in equipment production hours.

Scales and Larson say B2W applications have automated performance tracking and reporting, allowed real-time scheduling of resources and improved communication. They cited proactive, data-driven maintenance operations, expanded mass-haul capacity, optimized asphalt plant and pit production and smooth data transfer between B2W and the Viewpoint Spectrum ERP system as additional benefits.

“Adoption and integration of the B2W Platform goes beyond mere software implementation,” according to Scales. “It is a strategic and transformative approach to project management and business operations.”


Gulf Operators – Roi with a Single B2W Application

Daily visibility of project performance was the essential and important advantage of replacing a mix of Microsoft Excel and Word documents and written notes for this Atlantic Canada contractor.

Standardizing and streamlining performance tracking with B2W Track have led to better, more timely decisions to solve operational issues and lower project costs, according estimating manager Michael Day. There’s an added benefit too. Being able to compare actual and planned performance daily motivates field teams to beat the targets. Day says more efficient management of time and material (T&M) work, lead to weekly time savings of more than 10 percent for project managers. Seamless integration with B2W Estimate and easy, centralized access to current and historical field log data added to the ROI.


Sherwood Companies – Innovative Use of B2W

This versatile contractor demonstrated the versatility of B2W Track to earn the innovation award, adapting software it had been using for several years to meet unique reporting needs of a newly acquired business unit.

That unit specializes in traffic systems and has specific reporting requirements mandated by the municipalities it works for. The ability to customize field logs and reporting to meet those needs allowed Sherwood to replace an outdated system and gain two big advantages.

“Custom field reporting with B2W Track gives us the required data, saves users several hours per week in processing time and ensures that costs that may have been missed in the past are captured and billed,” says Seth Belt, accounting business analyst. Sherwood was also able to standardize processes with other business units already using B2W Track, allow concurrent and remote field reporting by multiple users and eliminate double entry for labor hours.

Contractors using B2W software for estimating, field tracking, scheduling and fleet maintenance submit applications for the Customer Innovation Awards. A panel of B2W judges selects the winners. Twenty seven companies have been recognized since B2W started the program in 2017.


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