B2W Estimate and the Error-check Wizard

For heavy construction cost estimators juggling multiple bids on a tight deadline, every second counts and – if they aren’t careful – so can every error. That’s one reason why the B2W Estimate software application includes a unique and powerful tool: the Estimate Error-check Wizard.

The wizard not only checks for red flags in a final draft, but guides users through a step-by-step proofreading process to optimize both the speed, and the accuracy, of a final bid.

With B2W Estimate, contractors already harness the power of one of the most intuitive, accurate and efficient applications for building an accurate construction estimate. The application provides centralized cost data and structures along with specialized functionality for pulling that data into a bid, allowing estimators to work more quickly, accurately and collaboratively than they can with spreadsheets.

The B2W Estimate Error-check Wizard strengthens the application. Estimators can review their work with ease and efficiency that is similar to spell-checking a text document. They can customize the scan to skim their proposal for any abnormalities that might indicate an error – signs like a zero or negative cost, undistributed values, RFQ groups with no assigned subcontractor, or dozens of other variables.

While other estimating software solutions offer their own error-check features, none are integrated directly into the system itself. Other systems take estimators through a convoluted series of steps to find red flags. B2W Estimate brings that capability to them with a single mouse click.

That seamless integration can come in handy. When an estimate contains hundreds of different bid items or quotes, and contractors are racing against the clock to meet a deadline, mistakes are always a possibility. Those mistakes can be costly. Even a misplaced zero could skew the bottom line up to thousands or potentially tens of thousands of dollars above or below the intended estimated cost.

Think about it this way: if the wizard catches even one big mistake – say, a missing production rate in a crew – it could save enough money to even cover the cost of the software and then some.

To get the most out of the Error-check Wizard, B2W Software recommends users run the tool at least twice during the estimating process, once after completing costing, and again after the pricing stage.

All editions of B2W Estimate offer the Estimate Error-check Wizard, so whether contractors use Basic, Professional or Enterprise editions to develop their estimates, they always have an extra set of eyes to check bids before submitting them.

Importantly, B2W Software actively updates the Error-check Wizard, incorporating feedback and real-world requirements posted by users to its ideas portal. As a result, new functionality is added routinely, and the list of “red flags” continues to grow.

B2W benefits from being able to incorporate more than 20 years of best-practice feedback and other ideas from our users directly into the Estimate experience. That way, we can ensure the Error-check Wizard finds potential mistakes that are important to our users in the field.

Please visit https://www.b2wsoftware.com/products/estimate/ to learn more about B2W Estimate and the Error-check Wizard.


By Anthony Salvatore

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